Another FakeBook Speech Ban

Breitbart reports in this article that Beta-Boy Zuckerberg’s FakeBook has banned a site that ridiculed and satirized the dogmas of SJWs and feminists. I had not heard of this one myself but it comes as no surprise. You can tell a lot about the culture and where your country is going by noticing what you are not allowed to think or say in public and just who is trying to put a collar on your neck and duck-tape over you mouth. In the end this kind of thing won’t work of course. That which is forbidden has a way of circulating around the censors regardless of how hard they try to keep you silent.

And it’s worth pointing out that the rise of the “manosphere” in the last decade or so has indeed influenced the right side of the culture. More and more we are seeing the outright questioning of the conventional feminist wisdom and the Social Justice Warriors. Some conservative writers and talk show personalities have been making fun of feminists for a long time of course. But now we see alternative views in many other places as well, with such ideas popping up in unexpected places. In particular I notice that the SJWs are getting hammered more and more in the comment sections of stories in various places around the web. This is a more recent phenomenon and is a hopeful sign. There are many indications like this that, taken together, point in a more positive direction. With luck the iron curtain of political correctness may finally be lifting.

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