The Excitable Boy vs. The Alpha

“Know your enemy and know yourself, and in a hundred battles you will never be in peril.” Sun Tzu – The Art of War

Today the excitable boy gave a press conference. The video is linked below and I urge you to watch it to see just how petulant, defensive and off-balance Obama was today. It is clear from the content of the speech, from its tone and from Obama’s body language, as well as the body language of the aides who walked in with him at the beginning of the speech, that this was an address that he did not want to give. The facts about the attack in Orlando have been coming out over the course of the last few days and they don’t support the leftist narrative, nor do they make this administration or the presumptive successor Hillary look particularly good.

The President would have us believe that he is serious about fighting against terrorism and trying to stop the spread of radical Islam. But he is not. There has been no real serious attempt to destroy the infection of radical terrorism at the source. Indeed, the administration’s “Arab Spring” has let loose a whirlwind of violence in the Middle East from Iraq to Syria to Libya and beyond. Hillary Clinton and President Obama are directly responsible for destabilizing the area and causing untold death and destruction throughout the region. That violence and destruction has come to our shores as a result of Obama’s deliberate and systematic injection of aliens into America’s heartland and home soil. The deaths of civilians here at home are the direct responsibility of this administration.

We also know that our law enforcement agencies did, in fact, know that the Orlando shooter was a danger. They were keeping an eye on him. They interviewed him more than once according to reports that have come out since the shooting over the weekend. He was under surveillance. He went to Saudi Arabia. And his co-workers had a few things to say about him. They thought he was dangerous and a threat. But he was taken off the watch list because this administration thinks that any suspicion of any Muslim is “Islamophobia.” And people died for it. I would bet that many of them were Democrats. They didn’t deserve it, but if you import the enemy onto your shores you have to expect bad things to happen.

Over the course of the last eight years Obama and the Democrats have been working diligently to inject millions of hostile foreign nationals into the country in an attempt to secure a permanent voting majority as well as to change the very nature of the nation’s culture. The damage that they have done to our country has been substantial and over the weekend we got another taste of it. As Obama’s mentor says, “The chickens are coming home to roost.”

On her radio show Tammy Bruce reports that Obama and Hillary want to bring in at least 100,000 more Syrian nationals even though Obama himself admits that he doesn’t know how to identify those who are coming into the country who might be a threat. (He says it’s hard) We don’t know how many terrorists are coming in, but we have to keep on doing it anyway. Obama says we have to keep doing the same thing that got over 100 people killed or wounded in Florida. And of course the Democrats immediately swerved into gun control so that they can take advantage of another crisis to take away your rights. Because law-abiding citizens are a threat, but foreign terrorists brought to the country to attack us are not, at least in the perverted universe of leftist Democrats.

At the same time, the Democrats, the legacy media and the left are up in arms because Republican nominee Donald Trump is saying what lots of normal people are thinking. We have to stop the uncontrolled flow of aliens into the country. We have to get control of our borders. We have to start standing up for ourselves and promoting American interests. And gun control aimed at normal law-abiding citizens allows the Democrats to disarm the population on a pretext of keeping them safe and it will do nothing to stop terrorist attacks. But it will help Democrats to keep taking away your freedom. That is no solution.

The contrast between Obama and Trump is stark and clear to see for all those who are willing to look with open eyes. I urge you to watch both videos and judge for yourself. The question of who is going to be running the country after the next election is one of critical importance. Will it be the Alpha who gets things done and takes things seriously or will we get four more years of the Beta’s policies of surrender and subjugation to our enemies? Make no mistake; a vote for Hillary is a vote to continue down the path we are on. And Obama’s path to national suicide is not a place that any American should want to go.

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