The Left’s Violence Against Us

Breitbart reports on another incident of leftist violence against Trump supporters that occurred in San Jose California. A woman wearing a pro-Trump shirt was attacked and pelted with eggs by aggressive illegal alien Mexican men outside a Trump rally. After their assault they celebrated by waving Mexican flags.

For the record, my some of my grandparents came from Mexico too but not to turn the US into a third world country. They came here to be a part of the American dream. They learned English, worked hard, became a part of the community and assimilated into American life. They did not come here for an unending stream of government handouts or to suck the life out of this country for their own selfish benefit.

I will be supporting Donald Trump because I like the country I grew up in and I want to keep it strong and successful. I do not want to see it changed into some kind of banana republic or a third world pit. If you can’t get on board with that, they you need to get you ass back to Mexico and stay there. I mean really, there are plenty of third world hell holes you can go to. Don’t screw up America just because you are an asshole.

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