Plotting the Islamic Invasion of Europe

Over at Return of Kings, Michael Sebastian brings us this article pointing out that our political elites are trying very hard to undermine our traditional Western Civilization by importing hordes of people who know nothing about our way of life and who are likely to be incompatible with the kinds of societies that we have set up. One has only to look at the mess that is the Middle East to see that there are people in the world who are, at present, incapable of functioning in a modern, advanced culture.

The people being brought into the West in what has to be properly called an invasion have no understanding of freedom, free markets or the democratic process that has made the West the envy of the world. Indeed, in the absence of imported Western goods and technology most of the countries from which they come would still be in the equivalent of the stone age. The various terrorist groups rampaging across the region seem very determined to bring the area back into that era as quickly as they can, destroying any examples they can of Western influence and killing anyone who might not want to adopt strict sharia law.

So one has to wonder about our elites self destructive tendencies given the disaster that they are importing into our countries. The argument for unending and unlimited immigration from destitute third world hell holes that is coming from the left is not because they care about the poor and needy. It is rather because the left really, really hates the West and will do everything in their power to destroy it. And right now that means trying as hard as they can to replace the original populations of Western countries with as many illiterate masses of third world peasants as possible as fast as they can.

Our global elites are generally very good at hiding their plans for the unwashed masses—those of us who are not blessed with immense wealth and power. They are good, but sometimes even these demigods slip up and the truth about their plans comes out.

We just had that happen on September 27th when German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg were caught having a side conversation on a hot mic at a United Nations luncheon.

Merkel was complaining to Zuckerberg about posts by Facebook users who were critical to the hordes of Muslim migrants who are flooding Germany and other European countries. Zuckerberg responded that:

“[W]e need to do some work” on curtailing anti-immigrant posts about the refugee crisis. “Are you working on this?” Merkel asked in English, to which Zuckerberg replied in the affirmative before the transmission was disrupted.

What pretense will Facebook use to ban Germans from legitimately discussing the policy concerns of their country, which purports to be a democracy? Racism, of course:

We are committed to working closely with the German government on this important issue,” Debbie Frost, a spokeswoman for Menlo Park, California-based Facebook, said via e-mail. “We think the best solutions to dealing with people who make racist and xenophobic comments can be found when service providers, government and civil society all work together to address this common challenge.

But can a true democracy exist when the public, who are supposed to be ultimate authority for the government, are not permitted to frankly debate policies?

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