The End of Pop Culture

A long time ago when I was a student at the Art Institute I remember going to see an exhibit in the museum of art from China. Students of the school were allowed free access to the museum during normal hours and we could see anything we liked that did not require a special ticket. This was not a display of ancient paintings and art objects that were centuries old, but rather a collection of newer work originating from contemporary Communist China under Mao and the “Cultural Revolution.” The works were uniformly creepy and had that artificial atmosphere of saccharine socialist realism that is hard to miss once you have seen it.

Before Socialism

After Socialism

In this blog post from Wasteland and Sky, we take a look at the collapse of popular culture now that it has been taken over by Social Justice Warriors. In virtually every area that you can name from Hollywood to music to comics to literature the culture has been degraded by the influence of the left to such a degree that normal people are tuning out in droves and the creative classes have run out of ideas that other people would be interested in that don’t involve left-wing politics.

Comic sales are cratering, and insiders are busy giving awards to each other and refusing to acknowledge the problem. Then there’s the media refusing to report on any of this and pretending everything is just a-okay. Diversity & Comics has since been assaulted by Marvel writers and editors online telling him that only certain fans are welcome to buy and read their comics. This is not how a functioning business or service is supposed to operate. These people are shrinking the industry deliberately.

But it goes further than comics.

Marvel Studios have been seeing some rough times recently. Spiderman Homecoming tied with Amazing Spiderman 2 as the lowest opening weekend in franchise history. This is bad for several reasons. The first being that Sony made the deal with Marvel to stop Spiderman’s popularity from waning. It hasn’t worked. Whether you’re a fan of Homecoming or not, that’s a worrying trend. Pair that with the yawns the new trailers for Inhumans and Thor: Ragnarok got, and the trend is solidifying.

This is the problem that the creative fields face. Leftism and Political Correctness ruins whatever it touches. Not just politics but certainly in the humanities as well until, ironically, they come to lack any humanity at all. True art is a problem for the left because at its root the left does not believe in the soul. And the human soul and its nature are what art is all about. Even a simple landscape is a reflection of the philosophical views of the artist and reveals our relationship with nature. But if we are nothing but a collection of chemicals then nothing else is important either. And because the left cannot see the world without the lens of politics everything is reduced to an agenda item.

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