The Two Faces of Obama

Townhall provides us with this amazing bit of video of The Obama-Fuhrer’s recent press conference in which he spends his time whining about how the debt problems are all the fault of Republicans and how they won’t bend over backwards to allow him to push us even further off the cliff of bankruptcy. Watching this one really has to wonder about this guy’s mental stability. He really does look like a frightened little kid.

On Larry Kudlow’s radio show today, he explained that Speaker of the House Boehner left the negotiations because Obama went back on his promise and tried to sneak lots of new taxes and spending into the deal that Republicans were about to adopt. Kind of like the sleazy used car salesman suddenly telling you that the car you were looking at is suddenly quite a bit more than you thought, but don’t worry, everything will be just fine. You just have to trust him, that’s all.


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