Democrats in the Wilderness

This lengthy article in The Politico by Edward-Isaac Dovere should be very instructional to members of the right regarding the position that Democrats find themselves in after the amazing Trump victory in November. The article goes into detail on the weaknesses that now beset the evil, crazy and stupid party and how they have been devastated during the eight years of Barack Obama and his unicorn utopia. But just as revealing is that we see in this article that the Democrats haven’t really learned anything from their defeat. And this should come as no surprise.

The leaders in the party either have the mindset of grifters or they are malignant narcissists and often some combination of the two. Either way, they are unable to see reality as the regular American voter and citizen does. That means that the Democrats will be unable to correctly assess their situation or come up with any realistic strategy for changing it. They cannot and will not admit that they and their policies were rejected by the American people. And so they will continue to push for more of the same big-government top-down bureaucracy that the voters rejected. What they will do is try to change the packaging and the marketing to fool the voters into thinking that they have new ideas. But it will be a sham.

What’s clear from interviews with several dozen top Democratic politicians and operatives at all levels, however, is that there is no comeback strategy—just a collection of half-formed ideas, all of them challenged by reality.

Their top leaders in the House are all over 70. Their top leaders in the Senate are all over 60. Under Obama, Democrats have lost 1,034 seats at the state and federal level—there’s no bench, no bench for a bench, virtually no one able to speak for the party as a whole.

As we have noted before, the Democrats have been devastated over the last 8 years and are in the weakest position since the 1920s’.

“Donald Trump with these appointments is saying squarely to the American people that he lied to them and his promise is worth nothing,” adds [Senator] Warren. “That’s the point to keep making.”

The problem here is, of course, that Trump really does like the country and the regular people in it, unlike the previous administration or Hillary Clinton who promised to put coal miners out of business and on welfare. This is the kind of delusion that passes for critical thinking on the left and is a great part of why they lost.

Every path back to power runs through figuring out how to get voters to believe again that the Democratic Party, founded on and forever about a fairer economy, is aware that millions of Americans feel the economy’s been unfair to them and think Democrats have no real plans to do anything about it.

We know that the Democrats made a very conscious decision to write off the bulk of the white middle class in favor of a voting coalition made up of illegal aliens, poor minorities and various super-wealthy donors in the belief that they no longer needed their old party base of unions and working class voters. So why should anyone now believe that they suddenly care about them again?

Rather than going back into the coal mines, we’ve got to show how hardworking people in Appalachia can contribute to the new economy…

This strategy has not worked and millions of people are struggling by on reduced wages. Coal miners and people from the manufacturing center of the country are not going to suddenly going to start camping out at Starbucks and designing websites. Nor are they going to have much luck building solar panels that no one wants to buy.

Malloy blames 2016 on Democrats overestimating voters’ ability to see that they were being lied to by Trump and other Republicans. He has no intention of making the same mistake in 2018.

And here we come to the heart of the issue. Americans are just too stupid to know what is good for them. Those waskilly Wepublicans are too sneaky for those honest and idealistic Democrats, who just happen to be under FBI investigation for fraud and corruption, but who really, really mean well. And when they run again next time they just have to shout and scream at those stupid Americans even more loudly so that we will get the message and vote the right way for once.

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